6. Energy & Climate Benefits

6. Potential energy or climate benefits:

Information about how digital assets can potentially yield positive energy or climate impacts. This includes potential uses of blockchain that could support monitoring or mitigating technologies to climate impacts, such as opportunities for natural asset or emissions accounting, as well as the exchanging of liabilities for greenhouse gas emissions, water, and other natural or environmental assets. This also includes specific approaches to increase the likelihood of direct climate or emissions benefits from digital assets, or associated grid services that indirectly lead to climate or emissions benefits. Furthermore, information is sought supporting or rebutting claims made by some proponents of cryptocurrencies that the energy used by mining cryptocurrencies is a net climate positive, either because it occurs during demand lulls or because it increases demand for renewable electricity sources.

Reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035

Combining cutting edge solar energy generation & storage technologies with the most efficient bitcoin mining solutions creates an ongoing, free market incentive to reach the national climate goals 50% ahead of schedule.

To be blunt, are there any other ideas that even come close to being able to accomplish that goal?

This idea is not abstract either - it's rooted in technologies we have available to us immediately, solid calculations that can predict the timeline, and an abundance of real-life example installations that could benefit immediately as well.

As previously stated, this is the largest national and global incentive we know to exist for transitioning the world to a 100% clean energy future. For any individual, company, organization, or government to miss this realization would be a loss.

Unfortunately, very few people have been able to fully grasp this opportunity yet. That's because it requires an understanding of a large amount of information on normally separate topics. We hope to change this. For example, knowledge in the following areas is essential for a deep understanding of the immense benefits of solar bitcoin mining:

  • Economic principles

  • Technology framework of Bitcoin and bitcoin mining

  • Energy generation technologies

  • Investing, ROI analysis, and break-even analysis

  • Photovoltaic technologies

  • Lithium Ion Battery technologies

  • ASIC chips and general IC technologies

  • Math modeling and energy conversion

  • Mechanical & electrical engineering

  • Sustainability principles

  • Global solar exposure data

  • Climate science

  • Behavioral science

The good news is, when the obvious opportunities are pointed out to the public and policy makers, it becomes easy to see the opportunity without all of the unified expertise listed above.

Please read the Response brief section in this submission to see the most obvious climate impact analysis.

Waste Energy has new value with Bitcoin Solar Mining

Energy has inherent value, and a core principle of sustainability is to reduce waste. Yet, we waste more than 30% of energy created on earth today. This presents a huge opportunity in and of itself to turn that waste energy into financial resources for our population by making solar bitcoin mining available as broadly as possible.

Not shining a light on the massive amount of wasted energy would be a disservice to the overall discussion of climate issues. We cannot successfully reach a net zero goal without addressing how to create less waste energy, and how to harness any future clean/renewable waste for economic benefit.

Last updated

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